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The k-Gorenstein degree of the corresponding Nakayama algebra with linear quiver.
The $k$-Gorenstein degree is the maximal number $k$ such that the algebra is $k$-Gorenstein. We apply the convention that the value is equal to the global dimension of the algebra in case the $k$-Gorenstein degree is greater than or equal to the global dimension.
The $k$-Gorenstein degree is the maximal number $k$ such that the algebra is $k$-Gorenstein. We apply the convention that the value is equal to the global dimension of the algebra in case the $k$-Gorenstein degree is greater than or equal to the global dimension.
[1] Auslander, M., Reiten, I. $k$-Gorenstein algebras and syzygy modules MathSciNet:1259667
DeclareOperation("kGortestgiven",[IsList]); InstallMethod(kGortestgiven, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(LIST) local M, n, f, N, i, h; M:=LIST[1]; g:=LIST[2]-1; A:=NakayamaAlgebra(M,GF(3)); injA:=IndecInjectiveModules(A);CoRegA:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(injA); temp:=[];for i in [1..g] do Append(temp,[Source(ProjectiveCover(NthSyzygy(CoRegA,i)))]);od; temp2:=[];for i in [1..g] do Append(temp2,[i-InjDimensionOfModule(Source(ProjectiveCover(NthSyzygy(CoRegA,i))),30)]);od; t:=Minimum(temp2); return(t); end); #testet ob algebra g-Gorenstein ist, wenn sie QF-3 ist (bei nakayama automatisch). DeclareOperation("kGortestgivenhelp",[IsList]); InstallMethod(kGortestgivenhelp, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(LIST) local M, n, f, N, i, h; M:=LIST[1]; g:=LIST[2]-1; A:=NakayamaAlgebra(M,GF(3)); injA:=IndecInjectiveModules(A);CoRegA:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(injA); temp:=[];for i in [1..g] do Append(temp,[Source(ProjectiveCover(NthSyzygy(CoRegA,i)))]);od; temp2:=[];for i in [1..g] do Append(temp2,[i-InjDimensionOfModule(Source(ProjectiveCover(NthSyzygy(CoRegA,i))),30)]);od; t:=Minimum(temp2); if (t>=0) then return(1); else return(0); fi; end); DeclareOperation("kGordegree",[IsList]); InstallMethod(kGordegree, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(LIST) local M, n, f, N, i, h; M:=LIST[1]; A:=NakayamaAlgebra(M,GF(3)); gg:=GlobalDimensionOfAlgebra(A,30); temp5:=[]; for i in [] do Append(temp5,[kGortestgivenhelp([M,i])]);od; tt:=Sum(temp5)+1; return(tt); end);
Aug 09, 2017 at 11:38 by Rene Marczinzik
Aug 09, 2017 at 15:04 by Martin Rubey
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