- St001215: Dyck paths ⟶ ℤ
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Let X be the direct sum of all simple modules of the corresponding Nakayama algebra. Then the statistic gives the vector space dimension of the second Ext-group between X and the regular module.
For the first 196 values, the statistic also gives the number of indecomposable non-projective modules $X$ such that $\tau(X)$ has codominant dimension equal to one and projective dimension equal to one.
For the first 196 values, the statistic also gives the number of indecomposable non-projective modules $X$ such that $\tau(X)$ has codominant dimension equal to one and projective dimension equal to one.
DeclareOperation("ext2sim",[IsList]); InstallMethod(ext2sim, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(LIST) local A,N,RegA,g,temmi,UT,M,L,U,simA; A:=LIST[1]; simA:=SimpleModules(A);N:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(simA); RegA:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(IndecProjectiveModules(A)); return(Size(ExtOverAlgebra(NthSyzygy(N,1),RegA)[2])); end); DeclareOperation("testii",[IsList]); InstallMethod(testii, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(LIST) local A,RegA,CoRegA,t,simA,U,L; A:=LIST[1]; t:=LIST[2]; L:=ARQuiverNak([A]); U:=Filtered(L,x->IsProjectiveModule(x)=false and ProjDimensionOfModule(DTr(x),1)=1 and DominantDimensionOfModule(DualOfModule(DTr(x)),30)>=1); return(Size(U)); end);
Jun 20, 2018 at 22:21 by Rene Marczinzik
Oct 23, 2018 at 21:27 by Rene Marczinzik
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