- St001219: Dyck paths ⟶ ℤ
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Number of simple modules S in the corresponding Nakayama algebra such that the Auslander-Reiten sequence ending at S has the property that all modules in the exact sequence are reflexive.
DeclareOperation("IsReflexive", [IsList]); InstallMethod(IsReflexive, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(L) local A,SS,CoRegA,dd1,dd2; A:=L[1]; SS:=L[2]; CoRegA:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(IndecInjectiveModules(A)); dd1:=Size(ExtOverAlgebra(CoRegA,DTr(SS))[2]); dd2:=Size(ExtOverAlgebra(NthSyzygy(CoRegA,1),DTr(SS))[2]); return(dd1+dd2); end ); DeclareOperation("HasProjreflexiveARseq", [IsList]); InstallMethod(HasProjreflexiveARseq, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(L) local A,P,UU1,UU2; A:=L[1]; P:=L[2]; UU1:=DTr(P,-1); UU2:=Source(AlmostSplitSequence(UU1)[2]); return(IsReflexive([A,UU1])+IsReflexive([A,UU2])); end ); DeclareOperation("NumberreflexiveARseq", [IsList]); InstallMethod(NumberreflexiveARseq, "for a representation of a quiver", [IsList],0,function(L) local L,A,simA,prnotinjA,tulu,tr; L:=L[1]; A:=NakayamaAlgebra(L,GF(3)); simA:=SimpleModules(A);prnotinjA:=Filtered(simA,x->IsInjectiveModule(x)=false); tulu:=[];for i in prnotinjA do Append(tulu,[HasProjreflexiveARseq([A,i])]);od; tr:=Filtered(tulu,x->(x=0)); return(Size(tr)); end );
Jun 25, 2018 at 18:37 by Rene Marczinzik
Jun 25, 2018 at 18:37 by Rene Marczinzik
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