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The 1-improper chromatic number of a graph.
This is the least number of colours in a vertex-colouring, such that each vertex has at most one neighbour with the same colour.
This is the least number of colours in a vertex-colouring, such that each vertex has at most one neighbour with the same colour.
[1] Kuifje Conjecture on minimum size of graph MathOverflow:391803
def statistic(G): G = G.relabel(inplace=False) n = G.num_verts() K = range(n) # colors V = G.vertices() E = G.edges(labels=False) P = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=False) # y[c] == 1 if c is used y = P.new_variable(binary=True, indices=K) # x[(v,c)] == 1 if v is colored with c x = P.new_variable(binary=True, indices=cartesian_product([V, K])) # d[(u,v)] == 1 if u and v have the same color d = P.new_variable(binary=True, indices=E) P.set_objective(sum(y[c] for c in K)) for v in V: # one color per node P.add_constraint(sum(x[(v,c)] for c in K) == 1) for c in K: # if vertex v takes color c, activate y[c] P.add_constraint(x[(v,c)] <= y[c]) Ev = [tuple(sorted(e)) for e in G.edges_incident(v, labels=False)] if Ev: # at most one conflict per node P.add_constraint(sum(d[e] for e in Ev) <= 1) for (u, v) in E: for c in K: # if endpoints of (u, v) share the same color, activate d[(u,v)] P.add_constraint(x[(u,c)] + x[(v,c)] <= 1 + d[(u,v)]) return ZZ(P.solve())
May 06, 2021 at 11:36 by Martin Rubey
May 06, 2021 at 11:36 by Martin Rubey
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